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Crosswind Considerations

Before flying in strong crosswind conditions, it is always a good idea to get some practice in beforehand.

Last Friday, I found myself fighting the first stiff crosswind that I had seen in months. As a result, I was blown off the centerline on landing, and seriously considered making a go-around in those few seconds before touchdown. Don't let this happen to you.

Instead, hunt for crosswind conditions to practice your technique on those lazy local flights. Consider the winds and find an airport with a good crosswind runway. If your home airport has two runways, it may be good practice to choose the least favorable from time to time.

If you haven't made a good crosswind landing in a while, start small. Try tackling a five knot wind, then gradually step yourself up. If the idea of a crosswind landing sounds like too much, grab your local CFI on a windy day and log some instruction from a pro.

Remember to always consider your personal skills in any crosswind landing. Many pilots fall into the trap of assuming that they can land at their airplane's max demoed speed. In most cases, max demoed literally means the maximum crosswind at which a professional test pilot was capable of landing a particular make/model of airplane. Most pilots should never consider flying in such circumstances. When the wind is too strong, you can usually find another airport with more favorable conditions.

Review your crosswind technique here and here.


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